Light Sensitivity Package (2 month supply)
This combination of nutrients focuses on protecting the eyes from the negative effects of UVA/UVB and blue light from overexposure from computers and digital devices, as well as from sunlight. These nutrients also help protect the retina and eye lens from damage due to exposure from UVA/UVB and blue light by both being great antioxidants for the retina and overall eye health.
The combination of bilberry and gingko biloba promote healthy circulation and help strengthen the integrity of capillaries and blood vessels throughout the body and eyes. Package savings of 10% off retail, 2 month supply.
Essential nutrients include lutein, zeaxanthin, mesozeaxanthin and astaxanthin, plus a broad range of other important antioxidants for retina and overall vision support.
Package content includes:
- Advanced Eye and Vision Support Formula provides general vision support, and is organic, whole-food-based, and non-GMO
- Dr. Grossman's Meso Plus Formula includes important carotenoids, astaxanthin, zeaxanthin, lutein, and mesozeaxanthin
- Dr. Grossman's Bilberry / Gingko Formula
Recommended dosage: 1 capsule of each per day of the Advanced Eye and Vision Support (whole food organic GMO free) Eye Formula, 1 capsule of Dr. Grossman's Meso Plus Retinal Support and Computer Eye Strain Formula with Astaxanthin 90 vcaps, and ½ dropperful (approx. 15-20 drops) of the bilberry/gingko tincture by mouth 2 times per day, with or without food. Best to take the Advanced Eye and Vision Support Formula before bedtime for best results.
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