Vitamin D3 Liquid 22.5 ml
Vitamin D3 Liquid by Pure Encapsulations (Healthcare Practitioner Brands) is a hypo-allergenic dietary supplement to provide additional vitamin D in an easily absorbable form, especially useful for people who have trouble swallowing tablets.
1 drop per serving, 810 servings per jar.
Each serving contains 1000 IU vitamin D3.
The formulation also includes medium chain triglycerides
Usage: Take 1 or more drops each day along with your meals as advised by your medical professional. This supplement should not be taken by breastfeeding or pregnant women unless doctor-advised. If you take more than 2000 IU (2 drops) daily, you should have your blood levels checked.
Free of coatings, excipients, fillers, binders, artificial coloring or fragrance. Free of gluten, dairy, yeast, corn, starch, soy, sugar, preservatives or hydrogenated oils.
Related Research
Dementia & Cognitive Memory
Genomic and Nongenomic Signaling Induced by 1a,25(OH)2-Vitamin D3 Promotes the Recovery of Amyloid-ß Phagocytosis by Alzheimer’s Disease Macrophages
This research indicated that vitamin D3 may activate some cell signaling networks and genes to strengthen the immune system which helps to clear away amyloid-beta protein, a main constituent of amyloid plaques that affect the brain.
Cognitive Capacity in Adults with Memory Problems Another research study looked at vitamin D's relationship to cognitive capacity in older adults with memory problems. The researchers noted a beneficial, marked correlation between serum 25(OH)D blood levels and mini-mental state examination scores.
Is vitamin D important for preserving cognition? A positive correlation of serum 25-hydroxyvitamin D concentration with cognitive function, Archives of Biochemistry and Biophysics, Volume 460, Issue 2, 15 April 2007, Pages 202-205, Robert J. Przybelski, Neil C. Binkley
Cognitive Ability
Other research examined the relationship between 25-hydroxyvitamin D (25(OH)D) blood levels and cognitive ability in a cross-sectional population-based study with 3,369 men who were 40–79 years old. Cognitive function was measured with three standard cognitive ability tests. The researchers found lower levels of 25(OH)D levels in patients with low scores on the tests.
Association between 25-hydroxyvitamin D levels and cognitive performance in middle-aged and older European men J Neurol Neurosurg Psychiatry 2009
Macular Support
Researchers evaluated vitamin D blood level data for more than 1,300 women who were 50 to 79. They found that in women who were younger than 75 years old, the amount of vitamin D they ingested from foods and supplements (not due to direct sunlight exposure) was connected to lower risk of developing early AMD. The patients who consumed the most vitamin D had a 59% decreased risk compared to those consumed the least. Vitamin D and Macular Degeneration, Archives of Ophthalmology, Amy E. Millen, PhD; et al.
Macular Support
Researchers in another study connected low vitamin D3 levels of vitamin D3 to increased incidence of macular degeneration. Diets that included milk, fish, and vitamin D supplements were assessed finding that consuming milk and fish was connected to lower risk of developing macular degeneration and those patients who didn't drink milk but did take vitamin D supplements also had less chance of developing of early macular degeneration. Association Between Vitamin D and Age-Related Macular Degeneration in the Third National Health and Nutrition Examination Survey, 1988 Through 1994., Parekh N, at al., Archives of Ophthalmology, May 2007;125: 661-669.
General Immune Response
gingival cells that were treated with Vitamin D displayed an improved ability to produce an endogenous antibiotic that was able to kill more bacteria than untreated cells. Vitamin D-Mediated Induction of Innate Immunity in Gingival Epithelial Cells, Archives of Internal Medicine, 2011.79 (6)
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